JSB Finance is the most transparent financial system in the world
- JSB Finance is not an organization — because it doesn’t have any leader getting all the benefits for himself.
- JSB Finance is not a company — because it doesn’t have any bosses or owners
- JSB Finance is a platform based on Blockchain technology and smart contracts. All transactions in the system are automatically, balanced and calculated based on automatic algorithms and smart contracts. So this is a very reliable financial system.
The reason for choosing JSB Finance
- Transparent
All transactions in the system are clear, transparent and free from interference by anyone, even the creators of the system, because the whole system is managed by Blockchain technology and Smartcontract, this is a financial system. the most transparent key in the world.
- Fair
JSB Finance is run with an automated algorithm that’s fair for everyone, with no exceptions. Penalties, blocked or frozen accounts do not apply. All members have the same rights and obligations and are bound by Smartcontract, in which they cannot cheat or evade.
- No permission needed
JSB Finance provides a decentralized platform based on Blockchain and Smartcontract technology, allowing millions of people to participate on duty without any intermediaries. JST Bank respects the principle of waiting time in circulation while the system plays the role of calculation and balance.
- EMAIL: support@jsb.foundation
- WEBSITE: https://jsb.foundation